
About Me

I'm Ahmed Sakka

Dedicated software engineer with a passion for creating cutting-edge solutions. Skilled leader who has the proven ability to motivate, educate, and manage a team of professionals to build software. Has a solid background in machine learning and data science.

Full-stack developer @ Polyconseil
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Full Name Ahmed Sakka

Date of birth January 9, 1997

Spoken Langages Arabic - English - French

Nationality Tunisia

Interest Music, Sports, Technology

Education & Experience

May 2023 - Present
Full-stack developer (Full-Time) @ Polyconseil

Location: Paris, France

October 2021 - September 2022 (1 year)
Software Engineer (Full-Time) @ Tassahil Center for Intelligent Solutions

  • Design, develop and maintain full-stack AI-based software applications.
  • Manage a small team of developers.
  • Supervise and instruct interns.

Location: Sfax, Tunisia

February 2021 - June 2021 (5 months)
Software Engineer (Internship) @ Tassahil Center for Intelligent Solutions

Graduation Project: Deep Profiles: an intelligent web platform for profile discovery and community detection on Online Social Networks.
An AI-based web application to help HR managers provide their employees with customized activities and better manage their roles within the company.
Skills: Python, Django, React, Redux, PostgreSQL, Deep Learning, Object Detection, Text Embedding, TensorFlow
Location: Sfax, Tunisia

July 2020 - August 2020 (2 months)
Software Engineer (Internship) @ IT Ultimate Solutions

Subject: VETnPET
Mobile application that connects pet owners with veterinarians
Skills: Azure DevOps, Xamarin Forms, XAML, C#, .NET Core
Location: Sfax, Tunisia

July 2019 - July 2019 (1 month)
Software Developer (Internship) @ Carthage Dev

Subject: Upgrading a travel agency’s website's search box
Skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery
Location: Sfax, Tunisia

2018 - 2021
Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics

National Engineering School of Sfax

2016 - 2018
Pre-engineering (Maths/Physics)

Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Sfax

Mathematics baccalaureate

Obtained with honor degree

Projects & Skills

Academic Projects
October 2020 – December 2020
Medicine Investigator

Similarity based app that detects matching drugs using scraped data. Flask web app as user interface.
Technologies: Python, Machine Learning, Text Mining, NLP, Flask

October 2020 – December 2020
My Laboratory: web application based on microservices

Web application for a research laboratory. CRUD operations on students, researchers, articles, events…
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, REST, Angular 10, TS, MySQL

October 2020 – December 2020
Seattle’s Car Accident Severity Prediction

The project aims to predict the severity of car accidents in Seattle, WA, USA using Machine Learning Models.
Technologies: Python, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Keras

October 2020
Evaluating and Testing Pre-trained Models

In this project, I built an image classifier that detects cracks in images of concrete using the VGG16 pre-trained model, and then evaluated and compared its performance to another one built using ResNet50.
Technologies: Python, Keras

March 2020 – June 2020
FORUMBot: specific network for students and developers

The project consists of two platforms; the first is dedicated for students and developers to connect and discus their technical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, the second is an admin dashboard.
Technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Heroku

March 2020
The Best Classifier

Predicting loan repayment and finding the best classification model among KNN, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and SVM by accuracy evaluation methods.
Technologies: Python, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy

December 2019
Sporting Club

E-Commerce web application for sporting goods with admin dashboard.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, MySQL

December 2019
Line Following Robot

Technologies: Python, Raspberry Pi

Technical Skills
Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Text Mining, NLP, CNN

Data Science Tools

Pandas, NumPy, NLTK, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch

Business Intelligence

Talend, Jaspersoft Studio, JasperReports Server

Programming Languages

Python, Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, Typescript, PHP


UML, Java Design Patterns

Web & Mobile development

React, Angular, Node.js, JEE, ASP .NET Core, Symfony, Flask, Django


Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Version control

Git, GitHub, Azure DevOps

Embedded Systems

Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, U-boot, BusyBox, Qemu

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu Linux


Hadoop, Docker